
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera could make it to Netflix

Photo/EFE Archive
16/05/2017 |11:46
Redacción El Universal
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The life and work of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera are the central themes of the TV series produced by Mónioca Lozano, who is currently in talks to be broadcast by Netflix.

In an interview with Notimex, Lozáno pointed out that she is still not sure if they will reach an agreement with Netflix for the 8-episode series to be broadcast by the streaming service in 2017.

She also said that Diego Rivera's grandson, Diego López, did an exhaustive research around the work of these two artists so relevant during the first half of the 20th century.

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After talking about the historical contents, the producer commented that they are trying to reach as many people as possible, “whether its diffusion in theaters is massive or through streaming services, there will be many options, many countries and different languages to face the audience against realities."

Among the details of the production, she commented that every episode will be related to one piece of work in particular, since it tells the story of personal, political and social events of both artists.
