
Roberta Jacobson condemns slaying of activist

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico said Miriam Rodríguez sought justice for her daughter's murder and parents in the same situation

Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
12/05/2017 |17:24Ariadna García |
Redacción El Universal
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U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Roberta Jacobson, regretted the slain of Miriam Rodríguez, representative of the group Citizen Community in Search of the Disappeared in San Fernando Tamaulipas.

“We are sorry for Miriam Rodríguez assassination, who was seeking justice for her daughter's murder and other parents who suffered the same,” wrote the diplomat this Friday on her Twitter account.

Miriam Rodríguez was shot last Wednesday night when a group of armed men broke into her house.

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In 2012, Miriam Rodríguez's daughter was kidnapped and two years later, her mother discovered her body in a clandestine grave, so she submitted the information to capture those responsible.

The Ambassador expressed: “There is nothing sadder than the murder of Human Rights defenders. They give voice to those who are most vulnerable.”
