
Under Reserve: San Lázaro’s swamp

Under Reserve, features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

César Camacho, leader of ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) in congress - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
05/04/2017 |14:25
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*San Lázaro’s swamp

The potential approval of the Law of Internal Security in the Lower Chamber has not reached any consensus yet. The leader of ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) in congress, César Camacho, says that the legal opinion for said law is almost ready to be circulated, however, president of the Commission of Governance, Paloma Guillén, noted that the document is ready but lacks its most important feature: the ability to generate concurrence among parties.

Coordinator in the congress of the National Action Party (PAN), Marko Cortés says it is unlikely for his party to pass the legal opinion on the law, before the approval of the Mixed Police Command. Similarly, the leader in the congress of the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD), Francisco Martinez Neri, said that they do not endorse the Law of Internal Security and added that the ruling party insists on the approval of said legal initiative that was coincidentally introduced by César Camacho himself, alongside Martha Tamayo. To sum-up, as we are told, the Law of Internal Security is currently bogged down.

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*San Lázaro Legislative Palace is the seat of the Mexican Congress

Delfina’s ally

As everyone knows, the main political asset of *Delfina Gómez is party leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador. However, we have been assured that Senator Alejandro Encinas has become a critical ally in her run for State of Mexico governorship. We have been told that together with the Parliamentary Bloc of senators who fled the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD), Mr. Encinas will be center stage in Ms. Gómez candidacy, while we have also been explained that both have a solid political relationship. Five years ago, professor Delfina Gómez supported Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez gubernatorial candidacy for the political coalition of Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD), Labor Party (PT) and then-Convergence Party, currently known as Citizen Movement.

*National Regeneration Movement (Morena) candidate for the State of Mexico gubernatorial race

An “exemplary cooperation” against *Moreno Valle

We have been told that, the appointment of the three new members of the National Electoral Institute (INE) that are taking office today, in the agency led by Lorenzo Córdova, were clearly an example of political agreement where major party’s had to rule out their main candidates and stick to those regarded as part of “Plan B”. This was an exemplary and unique cooperation as we were told, one which held but one condition among its members: to set all candidates close to the former governor of Puebla, Moreno Valle, aside. This is how former advisor to the Transparency Agency of Puebla, Fidencio Aguilar Víquez and chief investigator of the Federal Electoral Court of the Judicial Authority (TEPJF), Rubén Becerra Rojasvértiz were ruled out from the process.

Who says that agreements cannot be reached at the Mexican Congress? 

*Former governor of Puebla, for conservative National Action Party (PAN), during the 2011-2017 term

Peña to open expressway

We have been confirmed that president Enrique Peña Nieto will open the Express Way in Cuernavaca, Morelos. As we have been explained, the Express Way has two special features: it constitutes a fulfilled campaign pledge by Peña Nieto and it will have a major impact in Mexico City’s metropolitan area, by allowing greater connectivity between Mexico City and state of Morelos capital city, Cuernavaca. Additionally, motorists will experience a shortage in the travel time between Mexico City and Acapulco, through the connection of Periférico freeway second floor and Del Sol highway.