U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson has arrived to Mexico City’s Benito Juárez International Airport (AICM) for a two-day visit scheduled to meet with top Mexican diplomats, as well as with president Enrique Peña Nieto amidst increasing tension between the two countries that resulted from U.S. president Trump statements and executive orders on trade, border security and immigration.

Tillerson is to be joined by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, in an attempt to soothe the recent tensions in the Mexico-U.S. relations.

Earlier today, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, called for a press conference in which he stressed Mexico’s stand as a sovereign country and in full capacity to exercise its border rights, “If the U.S. government insists on deporting or sending illegal immigrants from nationalities other to the Mexican into Mexican territory, Mexico will not receive them and we would have to begin a process by which we will require proof of nationality from the U.S. government for each person being sent to Mexico… We too have control of our borders and we would enforce it as a sovereign right of Mexico”, he said.

Homeland Security Secretary, John Kerry is expected to arrive to Mexico City later today, while Mexican senators and political figures have urged president Peña Nieto to cancel his meeting with both Tillerson and Kerry in response to the White House’s rhetoric that has prompted “An environment of threats and hostility which makes them (Tillerson and Kerry) not welcome.” until a civilized dialogue can take place, said senator Gabriela Cuevas from the National Action Party (PAN).

For his part, senator Miguel Barbosa, from the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) noted that “We cannot welcome the representatives of a government that has threatened our sovereignty by declaring that they could potentially send military troops into our country because we represent a threat for the world peace and the co-existence between nations.”


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