
Father Solalinde leads rally in Mexico City over gasoline hike

Mexican Catholic priest and human rights activist, Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, distanced all peaceful demonstrations from the recent looting in the country and called citizens not be afraid of protesting against the gasoline hike

Photo: Alejandro Acosta / EL UNIVERSAL
07/01/2017 |16:47Teresa Moreno |
Redacción El Universal
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Protesters chanting “Join!” were led by Father Alejandro Solalinde, Mexican priest and human rights activist, from Independence monument to Zocalo’s main square to protest against gasoline hikes and to demand change in the federal government.

Over 3,000 protesters heard Father Solalinde’s speech and chanted “Oil country and its people without money”. Signs in English could also be seen which read “The weight of the people’s justice for all the signees of the Pact for Mexico”. “Fuera el mal gobierno”, or “Bad Rule Out!”, was also chanted as protesters walked along Mexico City’s business corridor in Reforma Avenue. One of the protesters most significant claim was to put a halt to the bonuses and benefits of the Mexican political class for the benefit of the Mexican people: “Bring bonuses down, stop hikes!”.

Protesters also demanded the arrest of governors accused of corruption, as well as a reduction to current taxation schemes, as they claim it was the latter which caused the 20% increase in gasoline and fuel.

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Once in Zocalo’s main square, Father Solalinde assured that the recent looting and violent events have been orchestrated by the federal government to instill fear “It is a government strategy to criminalize our fight as they (the government) know this is not just another protest, but the beginning of a new way of organizing ourselves. We will rescue Mexico, we will rescue PEMEX, no more poverty, no more lack of schooling”.

For their part, the Civil Committee for the Peaceful Civil Resistance proposed new road blockings and made a strong call to stop consuming goods from transnational companies.

Organizers to today’s demonstration are calling for a second protest tomorrow noon outside the National Palace, which will summon students from the National Autonomous University (UNAM), The National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and the National Metropolitan University (UAM).

A third rally was announced for Monday at 16:00 from the Independence Monument to the Chamber of Deputies. A binational Anti-Trump day to be celebrated next January 22nd was also announced.