
Mexico minister says immigration shared responsibility with U.S.

Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray described Mexico as an "indispensable partner" to the United States

Mexico's Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray - Photo: Reuters
23/01/2017 |12:06Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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The flow of foreigners crossing Mexico to reach the United States makes immigration a shared responsibility between the two countries, Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Monday, days before he begins talks with U.S. President Donald Trump´s aides.

Videgaray described Mexico as an "indispensable partner" to the United States.

He noted that the number of foreigners crossing Mexico to reach the United States had more than doubled since 2013 to over 500,000 people during 2016, while the number of undocumented Mexicans crossing the border had fallen sharply.

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