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Mexico's Education Minister, Aurelio Nuño Mayer, said that if Mexico invests in quality education, no one, “not even the most powerful man in the world,” can negatively affect investments and job creation in the country.
The minister made these comments following Donald Trump's threats against U.S. and Japanese-owned auto manufacturers that invest in Mexican plants.
Nuño Mayer said that in the next few days, the Education Ministry will present a new program that will automatically validate any courses taken in the U.S. at all educational levels, including universities.
“We're going to get rid of all the bureaucracy that currently exists for validating studies at any level. This will be of great benefit for all of North America, but most importantly, for anyone who returns to Mexico from the United States. These people will no longer face any of the obstacles that currently exist and make it difficult to validate their studies,” said the minister.
During the press conference, Nuño Mayer said that the strength of a country is in its education system and that Mexico will be able to confront any problem if it invests in quality education.