
Mexican senator calls Peña Nieto's tepid response to Trump 'exasperating'

Mexican Senator Laura Rojas is demanding President Peña Nieto to take a stance and say that Mexico will not be paying for Donald Trump's promised wall.

Photo: Twitter.com/Laura_Rojas_
11/01/2017 |15:57Juan Arvizu |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican Senator Laura Angélica Rojas Hernández of the rightest PAN party has called Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to immediately take a bolder stance and say that Mexico will not be paying for the wall Donald Trump has promised to build and have Mexico pay for.

“He needs to say that Mexico won't be paying a single cent,” said the senator, who's also the President of the Senate Committee on Affairs Concerning Foreign and International Organizations.

She demanded that President Peña Nieto “stop with his tepid responses” and that he take a stance and “defend Mexico's foreign interests.”

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“The Mexican government's inaction is exasperating,” said Rojas Hernández, adding that the government must play its cards right given “our neighbors violent and unfriendly rhetoric against our country.”