
UNAM and UN Women inaugurate photography exhibit

The exhibit commemorates the importance of women's contributions to everyday life, the economy and politics in Mexico.

Photo: Courtesy of twitter.com/ONUMujeresMX
05/12/2016 |18:41Astrid Sánchez |
Redacción El Universal
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To celebrate the importance of women's contributions to everyday life, the economy and politics in Mexico, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Latin America's largest university, and UN Women inaugurated the exhibit Todas las mujeres (All Women).

The exhibit consists of 58 large print photographs that cover the first six decades of the 20th century and share the stories of several women whose accomplishments helped contribute to gender equality in Mexico.

The exhibit is free and can be seen at the Chapultepec Park Open Gallery that runs along Reforma Avenue in Mexico City through January 22, 2017.

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The inauguration ceremony was held at the Chapultepec Forest and was hosted by Patricia Mercado Castro, Mexico City's Minister of the Interior and Juliette Bonnafe, UN Women Program Officer.