
Seven people killed in Guerrero

In separate events, four people were murdered in Chilpancingo, two in Eduardo Neri and one in Zihuatanejo

04/12/2016 |12:50Vania Pigeonutt / corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Seven men were murdered in the central and Costa Grande regions, before noon yesterday, in violent state of Guerrero. In separate events, four men were killed in capital city of Chilpancingo, while two were slained in the Eduardo Neri, Zumpango, municipality, which is only 30 minutes away from the capital city. One more man was shot dead in the Zihuatanejo seaside, in the region known as Costa Grande, while his brother was severly injured and was taken to the General Hospital by local paramedics.

The Office of Public Security has registered over a thousand killings in Acapulco, followed by capital city of Chilpancingo with 200 murders so far this year.

After several days of violent acts, the Federal Police has sent over 1,000 police members that are currently patrolling the central, Costa Grande and Tierra Caliente areas in Guerrero.

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