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Unión Nacional de Padres urge a acabar con clima de inseguridad en Sinaloa; exigen esclarecer asesinato de su líder
“Aún hay tiempo”: Inai lamenta extinción aprobada por Diputados; pide al Senado reconsiderar reforma
Oposición se lanza contra extinción de órganos y elección judicial; diputada de MC llama a interponer controversia constitucional
Diputados avalan súper secretaría de García Harfuch; SSPC investigará delitos y coordinará inteligencia a nivel nacional
Con prórroga o sin ella, elección judicial va, asegura Taddei; afirma que presupuesto de 13 mmdp no es ninguna “ocurrencia”
A new study finds that about 58 percent of jobs in Mexico are in the informal sector including categories such as unregistered vendors, artisans and domestic workers.
But the study released by the National Statistics Institute on Tuesday says that the informal sector generated only about 23.6 percent of the nation's GDP in 2015. That represents a decline from about 27.2 percent in 2003.
The most common activities are construction work, small-scale manufacturing and selling products at informal markets or street stalls.
Formally registered jobs account for only about 42 percent of employment in Mexico. But they generate over three-quarters of all economic production.