
Popocatépetl volcano spews 105 exhalations

Also, the volcano recorded 271 minutes of low-amplitude tremor

Photo: Cenapred
01/12/2016 |17:00Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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According to the report released by the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the Popocatépetl volcano registered 105 low-intensity exhalations followed by steam and gas emissions as well as slight amounts of ash in the last 24 hours.

Also, the volcano recorded 271 minutes of low-amplitude tremor.

Yesterday, 5 explosions were reported at 4:48 pm, 6:09 pm, 6:50 pm, 7:34 pm and 7:49 pm, resulting in a large eruptive column above the crater.

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Yesterday at night, incandescent fragments over the crater were observed.

At the moment of this report, a continuous emission of steam and gas heading to the northeast is observed.