
Congress to discuss same-sex marriage in Mexico

The president of the Committee of Constitutional Affairs will present the presidential initiative that seeks to introduce same-sex marriage in the Mexican Constitution

Photo: Archive/ EL UNIVERSAL
06/11/2016 |19:01Suzzete Alcántara |
Redacción El Universal
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The Committee of Constitutional Affairs of the Lower Chamber informed that they will discuss the draft opinion on the same-sex initiative submitted by president Enrique Peña Nieto.

The President of said committee, Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), will push forward the initiative so as to have the Mexican Magna Carta include “the right of all people to marry regardless of their gender”.

The initiative finds its legal basis in the 4th article of the Mexican Constitution with the acknowledgment of human dignity as the premise in which all human rights are founded, including that of “the right of equality and no discrimination”.

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The draft opinion argues that: “The scope of the Constitution urges all authorities to promote, respect, protect and guarantee the rights of all persons in conditions of equality and no discrimination…. this entails the respect of the sexual orientation diversity, as well as the gender identities, among others”.

The draft opinion for same-sex marriage will be discussed in the Lower Chamber of the Mexican Congress next Wednesday November 9.