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For the third time, in less than three months, Mexican singer and living “ranchero” legend Vicente “Chente” Fernández supported the Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton, with a video posted in his social media, where he notes that Trump is really out of his depth in the office of president of the U.S.
In a video, a confident and smiling Vicente Fernández looks at the camera and says: “Mr. Trump has not held any political office to this day, and for someone who pursues presidency, it is necessary to count with many political offices among one’s credentials”.
He added: “I like bullfighting, I really do, but I'm no bullfighter. If I tried to make a profession out of my hobby, I would be gored by a bull!… Do you really want to have a good president in the White House?, Well, cast your vote for Hillary Clinton, the next president of the United States of America”.