
Mexico regrets plane crash of Brazil's Chapecoense soccer team in Colombia

The plane, en route from Bolivia, went down about 10:15 p.m. on Monday night with 72 passengers and a crew of nine on board

Photo: AP
29/11/2016 |11:39
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican government deeply regrets the crash of the charter plane carrying Brazilian soccer team Chapecoense, crew members and journalists, which left 75 fatalities and six injured survivors.

“Out thoughts are with the Brazilian players of Chapecoense, their families and fans. We also wish for the quick recovery of the people who were injured" the Mexican Foreign Ministry (@SRE_mx) wrote on Twitter.

The plane, en route from Bolivia where the team had a stopover, went down about 10:15 p.m. on Monday night with 72 passengers and a crew of nine on board.

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It had reported electrical problems and declared an emergency minutes earlier as it neared its destination, Medellin airport officials said.

At the crash scene near the town of La Union in wooded highlands outside Medellin, dozens of bodies were laid out and covered with sheets around the wreckage of the BAe 146.

It was the first time Chapecoense, a small club from the southern Brazilian town of Chapeco, had reached the final of a major South American club competition.

Brazilian news organizations said 21 journalists had been on board the plane to cover the match.

Global soccer was stunned, matches were canceled around South America, and Brazil declared three days of mourning.