
English comprehension improves thanks to apps

93% of Mexicans polled said that their English skills have improved overall thanks to the use of apps, up from 79% in 2015.

English comprehension improves thanks to apps
28/11/2016 |14:45Newsroom |
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According to the second annual poll on mobile learning apps conducted by the online academy ABA English, 93% of Mexicans said that their level of comprehension of the English language has improved overall thanks to the use of apps, up from 79% in 2015.

ABA English is an online English academy with over 12 million students worldwide, and Mexico is one of its main markets with 1.3 million students.

The positive opinion people have of language learning apps is not unique to Mexico, with 93% of Spaniards polled saying that they've benefited from these apps, as well as 87% of Italians, 88% of French and 95% of Brazilians.

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Mario Perillo, ABA English's academic coordinator, said that “language learning apps help maximize learning potential. With smart phones and tablets, students are able to explore, experiment and quickly apply in real-life what they just learned. In addition, they're able to take advantage of short periods of free time in small learning sessions.”

73% of Mexicans polled said that the most efficient way to learn languages is through a combination of computer and smartphone use, while 22% prefer to learn on a computer alone and 5% solely on a smartphone.

Lastly, 79% use language apps Monday through Friday and only 21% prefer to learn on weekends.