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The convenience store chain 7-Eleven will launch the official image of its new gasoline stations called “Petro 7” on Thursday.
7-Evelen's new endeavor is possible thanks to the recent constitutional reform passed in Mexico in 2013, which officially ended the 75-year-long monopoly of Mexico's state-owned oil company, Pemex.
“Petro 7 seeks to be a significant contributor to the development of Mexico's energy sector,” said the company in an email sent to EL UNIVERSAL.
The event will be presided over by the Governor of the state of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, at a new Petro 7 gas station in the state capital of Monterrey.
In July, the Coca-Cola owned convenience store and 7-Eleven's biggest competitor in Mexico, Oxxo, launched their own brand called Oxxo Gas. Oxxo Gas plans on expanding its network to 500 gas stations over the following five years.
According to Euromonitor International, 7-Eleven has a 3.7% market share with 236 convenience stores with Pemex-owned gas stations, while Oxxo has a market share of 39.10% in this segment with 2,480 establishments. Private sector companies will now be able to own their own gas stations thanks to the energy reform.