
Popocatépetl volcano spews 324 exhalations

An explosion and a 5-km-high fumarole were also observed in the last 24 hours

Photo: Cenapred
25/11/2016 |13:46Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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According to the report of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), Popocatépetl volcano spewed 324 exhalations accompanied by steam and gas emissions and slight amounts of ash in the last 24 hours.

Two volcano-tectonics earthquakes were also recorded, with magnitudes of 1.7 and 2.1, respectively.

Today an explosion was recorded at 9:45 am, causing a fumarole that reached 5 km of height.

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At the time of this report, continuous emissions of volcanic gases and ash with an average height of 2 km above the crater were observed.