
417 sea turtle eggs rescued in Colima, Mexico

The eggs were relocated to a protection rescue camp and belong to an endangered species of sea turtle

Photo: Profepa
18/11/2016 |21:21Astrid Rivera |
Redacción El Universal
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The Attorney General's Environmental Protection Department (Profepa) rescued 417 marine turtle eggs in four nests located along beaches in Tecomán, Colima as part of a joint effort with a turtle rescue camp that goes by the name of “El Chupadero.”

With the aid of the state's preventative police force, officials from the Profepa carried out a protection mission along a 45 kilometer stretch of beach in Colima where turtles gather to lay eggs.

In an attempt to curb losses by natural predators and poachers, the eggs were relocated to the “El Chupadero” protected rescue camp.

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The eggs belong to the olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) species, which is considered endangered because of their few remaining nesting sites around the world.

The trafficking, capture, possession, transportation and/or collecting of turtles is a federal crime under Mexican law that can result in one to nine years in prison and the sanctioning of fines.