
Trans community held protest for unsolved murders

Activists from the Trans community protested against the impunity displayed in recent trans women murders

As part of the celebrations of the Trans Day in Mexico City, the trans community held a protest outside the Metropolitan Cathedral in downtown Mexico City – Photo: Alejandro Acosta
13/11/2016 |18:58Astrid Rivera |
Redacción El Universal
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Members from organizations supporting and defending the trans community held a protest outside the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City to denounce the impunity in the recent murders of trans women that took place only last month.

Rocío Suárez, member of the Trans Communities Support Center, said that Mexico is the second country with the highest trans women murder rate and emphasized that only last month twelve women were killed due to violent crimes against this community.

She also expressed how outraged the trans community feels, particularly in the occasion of the Trans Day in Mexico City celebrated today: “There is nothing to celebrate for in this day, since Paola and Alessandra’s murders haven’t been cleared. The investigations are still underway without leading to any significant results, for this we are holding a protest today, here in the Metropolitan Cathedral, but also for the recent declarations from the National Front for the Family and the high clergy, which are creating an atmosphere of increasing tension against the trans population”.

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Suárez said that Paola’s murderer was arrested but discharged shortly after, while Alessandra’s murderer hasn’t been arrested even though there is a video available that recorded the crime. Also, that Kenya Cuevas, an eye witness to Alessandra´s murder has not yet received any special protection after the crime.

With the Lower Chamber having discarded the same-sex draft opinion last week, Suárez noted that the recognition to the gender identities has been put on hold as this was also included in the draft proposal, however they will continue to push any efforts forward that allow for the recognition of the trans community as part of the Mexican society.