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Members of the LBGTTTI community marched this morning to demand justice for the murder, in only seven months, of two transsexuals in Comitán de Domínguez, Chiapas.
19-year-old Itzel Durán Castellanos was stabbed in her neck three times, early Saturday, outside her home in 8a Poniente and 7a Poniente street by an unknown assailant.
Her body is being mourned in the local premises of the Integral Family Development System (DIF) and will receive an inhumation burial after the Funeral Mass.
Similarly, on March 6 another transsexual was murdered outside her home in 8a Sur Poniente and 7a Poniente in the Cumpatá neighborhood of Comitán de Dominguez, Chiapas.
Civil organizations, activists and families of the victims also participated in the demonstration, in which they displayed LGBTTTI flags, photos of the victims and signs demanding justice for the homophobic crimes, while the local police does not have any crime leads of the assailant so far.