
Transsexual youth Itzel Durán murdered in Chiapas

19-year-old Itzel Durán Castellanos was attacked at her place and died after receiving multiple sharp injuries

Transsexual youth Itzel Durán murdered in Chiapas
08/10/2016 |11:38Fredy Martín Pérez / Corresponsal |
Fredy Martín Pérez
Corresponsal en TabascoVer perfil

A 19-year-old transsexual youth identified as Itzel Durán Castellanos, born under the name of Carlos Antonio García, was stabbed to death in her home by unknown assailants, as informed by police sources.

The attack took place earlier today in Cruz Grande neighborhood in Comitán de Domínguez, Chiapas, where the Red Cross efforts proved useless as Itzel had already died when the medical services arrived, due to the multiple sharp injuries she had received.

Agents of the Attorney General’s Office and experts from the Sierra Border District Attorney’s Office arrived at the crime scene and stated that the investigation to clear this murder is currently underway.

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Itzel’s body was taken to the Forensic Medical Service to run the corresponding necropsy procedures, while activists and members of the LGBTTTI community referred to the murder as a clear act of homophobia.