
Gael García Bernal “builds” Trump’s wall

Mexican actor played a construction worker for a sketch in Steven Colbert’s “The Late Show”

Screenshot from “The Late Show”
08/10/2016 |14:16Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican actor Gael García Bernal, a strong critic of Trump’s rhetoric against Mexican immigrants, surprised the audience of Steven Colbert’s “The Late Show” by playing a construction worker “Martín Hernández”, who is eager to build a wall in the border of Alberta, so as to prevent Americans fleeing the U.S from a possible Trump victory, enter into Canadian territory.

As the sketch progressed, the audience discovered, with great laughter, that “Mr. Hernández” is actually Canadian and thus “Wants to make Canada great again”.

A smiling Gael seemed to enjoy his part in the sketch, in which he briefly imagined how would Trump’s plans of a wall be inverted if Canada were to adopt his immigrant rhetoric.

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