
Woman run over and killed by husband; no end in sight to female homicides

67 femicides have been reported in Puebla this year so far; only 25 of these cases have been solved to date

Photo: EL UNIVERSAL Archives
07/10/2016 |16:24
Redacción El Universal
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Female homicides in the state of Puebla rage on with no end in sight. In less than one week, five women have been murdered in the state, bringing the total to 67 femicides so far this year according to the NGO Odesyr.

In this case, a 24-year-old woman died in the city of Puebla after being run over by her husband after having an argument.

The victim has been identified as Areli Pacheco Navarte, who had an argument with her husband at their home.

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According to eye-witnesses, her husband stormed out of their home and got into his vehicle, but his wife ran after the vehicle, and he then ran her over.

Local authorities launched an investigation into whether this homicide was intentional or an accident. However, the husband is currently on the loose.

The NGO Odesry has reported 67 violent murders of women so far this year, yet only 25 of these cases have been solved by the state Attorney's General Office.

Dozens of NGO's, religious and human rights groups from around the country are demanding an end to the wave of femicide that has shaken the country.