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According to a report released by the online travel agency Despegar.com, Mexico has the lowest care rental prices with an average cost of 11 dollars per day in Cancun, the fifth busiest city for car rentals in the world.
According to the report, the five busiest cities for car rental companies are:
1. Miami (U.S.)
2. Orlando (U.S.)
3. Los Angeles (U.S.)
4. Fort Lauderdale (U.S.)
5. Cancun (Mexico)
In the U.S., the average price for renting a car is 20 dollars per day, and Latin American travelers to those cities rent cars on average for one full week.
According to Despegar.com, one of the biggest advantages to renting a car is the money you save on transportation when you travel in larger groups.
“When transportation is expensive in the destination city, the best thing to do is to rent a car, since doing so can save travelers up to 40% on total transportation fees,” said Gabriel Rosillo, Marketing Manager for Despegar.com.
Despegar.com's report also showed that Mexicans placed third for tourists that rent the most cars online. First on the list were Brazilians followed by Argentineans.