
Tunick to give latest nude photo an anti-Trump twist

His new work would reflect how Donald Trump had inverted minds and caused hysteria

Photo: Xóchitl Álvarez/ EL UNIVERSAL
29/10/2016 |11:13Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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U.S. photographic artist Spencer Tunick said on Thursday his new work in a Mexican colonial-era city, popular with American retirees, would reflect how Donald Trump had inverted minds and caused hysteria.

New-York based Tunick will on Friday take one of his signature photographs of scores of naked people in picturesque San Miguel de Allende in Central Mexico, but this time they will be upside-down.

"Trump is inverting our minds and causing us a nerve racking, internal hysteria," he told media on Thursday. "I think we're living in a tough and turbid world right now ... where things are turned on its head."

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Republican presidential nominee Trump has vowed he would build a wall on the border with Mexico and renegotiate or scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement if he is elected.

The United States is Mexico's main trading partner, and Wall Street analysts say concern over any potential trade restrictions have weighed on the country's peso currency.

"I hate fences and walls in my work and I hate fences and walls in life," Tunick added.

Tunick's visit to San Miguel de Allende is part of the city's cultural La Calaca Festival.