
Metallica meets with die-hard fans in Mexico City

The band met with 500 fans in iconic Polyforum Siqueriros in Mexico City and announced their return in early March 2017

Inside and outside Polyforum Siqueiros hundreds of fans gathered to have a glimpse of the legendary metal band – Photo: Ariel León/ EL UNIVERSAL
29/10/2016 |17:06Ariel León |
Redacción El Universal
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In the second day of their visit to Mexico City, legendary metal band, Metallica, met with 500 die-hard fans in a Q&A session, before the launch of their new album Hardwired...to self-destruct that will be available as from November 18.

Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammer and Robert Trujillo visited Mexico after a three-year absence and announced their return to Aztec lands on March 1st 2017 for a concert in Foro Sol in Mexico City.

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During the “talk” held with fans they shared their love for Mexican dishes such as green chilli pepper filled with minced meat and chicken in “mole” sauce.

Some of the one-hundred and fifty fans that didn’t get an access pass to today’s Q&A session, included housewife Camila Sanz who has attended every concert and presentation the band has given in Mexico since they first came in 1993: “I was obliged to come, I’ve done so since 1993, and though sometimes I haven’t been able to go to their concerts, I’ve always stayed outside their hotels to have my vinyls and t-shirts signed by the four of them. I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”