
Unresponsive Volaris aircraft lands under military escort in the UK

The incident occurred after a temporary loss of communications with the aircraft

Photo: EL UNIVERSAL Archives
28/10/2016 |16:35Carla Martínez |
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An unresponsive civilian aircraft operated by the Mexican company Volaris landed at the Prestwick Airport in Scotland under military escort after communication was lost with the aircraft.

“Volaris can confirm that as per security protocols, UK authorities requested that a new aircraft during a non-commercial flight from the Airbus factory in Tolouse, France en route to Keflavik, Iceland, land at the Prestwick Airport in Scotland,” according to airline officials in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL.

The incident occurred after a temporary loss of communications with the aircraft.

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“After a meticulous inspection, the aircraft and its crew resumed their flight to their final destination,” said the Volaris officials.