
Acquisition of Time Warner will benefit users in Mexico: AT&T

AT&T's CEO expects anti-trust regulators in the U.S. to approve the acquisition since they are acquiring a "supplier," not a direct rival.

Photo: EL UNIVERSAL Archives
24/10/2016 |20:39Carla Martínez |
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AT&T's acquisition of Time Warner is part of the telecommunications giant's strategy for distributing content through its mobile platform in Mexico in the future, said the company's CEO, Randall Stephenson.

“What we're looking to do from now is to grow our user base and LTE platform in order to increase our capacity and coverage, and as a result, will be able to think about things such as distributing content to our clients in Mexico,” he said at a conference with analysts.

AT&T reported 10.7 million users in Mexico at the 2016 Q3 close.

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Stephen also said that the acquisition will be approved by regulators, but with certain conditions.

“This deal is of 'vertical integration.' If anti-trust regulators have concerns, they will put some conditions… We do expect them to put some conditions on the acquisition.”

Stephenson said that regulators should approve the acquisition since the company is buying a “supplier,” not a direct rival and it is not gaining a greater market share.