
Play underwater jenga in Cozumel, Quintana Roo

Relax in a unique underwater setting, while breathing enriched oxygen and your favorite aromatherapy scent

Photo: Taken form Clear Lounge website
23/10/2016 |15:10Newsroom |
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Puerta Maya Port in Cozumel, Quintana Roo, is home to the first underwater enriched oxygen bar in the world.

Here, visitors get into their swimsuits, wear a diving helmet and enter an underwater lounge to breathe enriched oxygen, play Jenga, shoot bubble guns and have their picture taken in a customized underwater photo booth.

This is a thirty-minute experience fit for anyone over age 8 who can walk and breathe in overall good health conditions.

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To see and be seen, have fun and relax, while breathing their favorite aromatherapy scent, are only some of the benefits visitors can get from the US$67 experience.

More information at: http://www.clearloungecozumel.com/