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Ambientalistas condenan manejo de fauna en el Tren Maya; “La biodiversidad de México no debe ser sacrificada en nombre del progreso”
Senadores de Morena ven Corredor Interoceánico vital para diversificar comercio; representa un centro estratégico global
México y Guatemala fortalecen colaboración; INM aborda flujos migratorios con autoridades de ambos países
“Aviso de tormenta” migratoria en Tamaulipas; Américo Villarreal anticipa ola de deportaciones de EU tras amenaza de Trump
Comisión del Senado propone agenda común entre legisladores de México, EU y Canadá; quieren mejorar acuerdo del T-MEC
A “wall” made of taco trucks was formed outside Donald Trump's International Las Vegas hotel to protest against the Republican presidential nominee, ahead of tonight's final presidential debate.
“We are here to support our families and friends and fight against the immigration reform” the owner of a food truck, Ernesto Savedra, told NBC.
The rally was organized by the Culinary Workers Union 226, which openly opposes the mogul.
The group says Trump has refused to bargain with hotel employees who voted last year to unionize.
Protesters were chanting "Dump Trump" and "Make America Great Again - start here!"
Trump wants to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and force Mexico to pay for it if elected president.