
Zhenli Ye Gon arrives in Mexico

Chinese-Mexican businessman Zhenli Ye Gon was handed over to Mexican authorities and sent to the Altiplano high-security prison

Photos: @PGR_mx
18/10/2016 |14:42Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Chinese-Mexican businessman Zhenli Ye Gon was handed over to Mexican authorities today to be prosecuted on charges of crimes against health, possession of a firearm considered for exclusive use of the military, and operations with resources of illicit origin.

Salvador Sandoval Silva, head of the Sub-Department of the PGR's International Affairs, said that the Chinese-Mexican businessman was transferred to the Altiplano high-security prison.

The 48-year-old businessman was arrested in July 2007 by U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents at a restaurant in Washington, D.C.

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Since 2008, the Mexican government had requested the extradition of Ye Gon, but his defense attorneys challenged the request and postponed the extradition several times, arguing he could not get a fair trial in Mexico.