Many of Mexico's more than 1.4 million Afro-Mexicans live isolated from the rest of society, according to Mexico's National Human Rights Commission during a discussion where they presented certain measures for improving their recognition within society.

Norma Inés Aguilar León, fourth field representative of the Commission, said that the birth of 6.6% Afro Mexican children aren't registered in civil registries and 18% of all Afro Mexicans are not affiliated with any of the country's public or private healthcare systems.

She said that the average level of education for Afro-Mexican girls ages 15 and up is 9.4 years, and 9.7 years for boys in the same age group; 40% of Afro-Mexicans do not receive any form of job benefits; 47.1% of households continue to burn coal or wood to cook their food; 40% live in shacks; and 15% have no plumbing in their homes.

Aguilar León also argues that the fact that they're being stripped of their own rights is holding them back from reaching their full potential.

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