
LBGTTTI flag displayed in Coahuila’s Government Palace

The flag represents the solidarity of the government of the state of Coahuila with the LBGTTTI community which will be celebrating the National Day against Discrimination next Wednesday

The flag will also be displayed in public offices from the state of Coahuila, as informed by president of LBGTTTI civil association San Aelredo A.C., Noé Ruiz Malacara- Photo: Hilda Fernández / EL UNIVERSAL
16/10/2016 |16:53Hilda Fernández / Corresponsal |
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In an unprecedented event early today, a rainbow-colored flag is being displayed in the Government Palace of Coahuila, a symbol of solidarity of the state’s government with the LBGTTTI community which will be celebrating the “National Day against Discrimination” next Wednesday.

Half a hundred similar flags, of various sizes, will be displayed throughout public offices of the state of Coahuila, as informed to EL UNIVERSAL by president of the LGBTTTI community San Aelredo A.C., Noé Ruiz Malacara, who thanked current state governor, Rubén Moreira Valdez, for publicly acknowledging the support and respect of local authorities in relation to the “existence and visibility” of the LGBTTTI community in the state.

LBGTTTI flag displayed in Coahuila’s Government Palace

This gesture is recognized in the 1st article of the Mexican Constitution which forbids any distinction, exclusion or restriction being made in terms of social condition, sex, age and beliefs, among others. In this sense, the Mexican Carta Magna bans any form of nullification being made against the expression of rights of all Mexican citizens.

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Ruiz Malacara stated: “We know that the state governor, Rubén Moreira Valdez, will be judged by people from other parts of the country, who may not even know our state first-hand, but we (the LBGTTTI community) are grateful for the efforts shown to our benefit, as he (Moreira) is the first government official that has set the example nationwide on how human rights of all citizens are respected; it is thanks to him that, today, we are celebrating”.

He added that same-sex marriages have been celebrated in Coahuila for the past two years, allowing 342 lesbian and gay couples, coming from twelve different states of the country and half a dozen countries, such as the U.S., Argentina, Chile Cuba and Rusia, to be united, while three gay and lesbian couples have been able to adopt children.

Ruiz Malacara hoped that the example set by Coahuila’s government will be followed by the whole of the society in the rest of the country as “It is within our government that this inclusion is being promoted”. He reminded everyone of the early efforts being pushed forward by the Civil Pact of Solidarity (PACS) promoted by former governor Humberto Moreira, brother to current governor Rubén Moreira, during his term of office.

“Coahuila is an example of diversity; all this efforts place our state at the forefront of the nation, we are certainly a state fit for the 21st century”, he noted.