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Meeting of Styles Mexico Festival 2016 gathered 75 national street and graffiti artists from Mexico and around the globe that turned eleven locations from downtown Mexico City into canvas for their artworks.
The urban artists intervened public spaces, early October, such as San Agustin’s Temple, Regina’s playground, the Rehearsal Forum of the National Fine Arts Institute (INBA), Regina’s Tapial Wall, San Jerónimo’s “Pocket Park”, King Pele’s soccer court and metal shutters in Regina street and San Ignacio’s alley, and allowed viewers and passerby’s to freely interpret their work.
This graffiti festival originated in Germany in 1997 and has become a global event that takes place once a year in different cities from the world; Mexico City registers one of the largest edition of the festival so far, with representatives native of Mexico City, State of Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and Nuevo León, besides world artists from France, Spain, Italy, U.S., Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru who altogether performed eighty five street art interventions to public spaces in Mexico City.
More information available at: http://www.meetingofstyles.com/