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Former president of Uruguay, José Mujica, rated as “vicious” the murder of eleven journalists in Mexico and said that there is a growing intolerance against this guild.
During his lecture: Is there a new paradigm of leadership rising?, in the occasion of the 72th General Assembly of the Inter American Press Association (SIP) held yesterday in Mexico City, Mujica hoped that Mexico can free itself from drug trafficking because, in his opinion, the money is being kept “on the other side” (of the border), while Mexico is providing the casualties.
“It is a complete disaster that reflects a disease, one of increasing intolerance; I believe Mexico deserves better as this is no longer an issue concerning journalism only, this is a society’s problem”.
The now senator of Uruguay, assured that drug trafficking corrupted values and that these were wiped out with the evolution of organized crime’s motto: “silver or lead”.
He also quoted what a member of the military once told him: “I hope that we are never pulled into a war against drug trafficking, because an army cannot resist US$100 grenade attacks”.