
Hollywood comes out against Donald Trump

Despite almost universal support for Hillary Clinton in Hollywood, there's still a small group of entertainers who actively support Trump

Photo: EL UNIVERSAL Archives
11/10/2016 |14:53Notimex |
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With less than one month until the US presidential election, the historically progressive Hollywood has, by and large, come out to slam Republican nominee, Donald Trump, despite there still being a small group of Hollywood actors who continue to actively support Trump.

Throughout its history, Hollywood has considered itself to be a bastion of democracy and continues to be one of the strongest financial sectors in campaign donations for presidential hopefuls.

And, just as a comparison, Hillary Clinton has held nearly 30 fundraiser events in Hollywood over the last three months alone, while Trump has only held one private event in Los Angeles during this same period of time.

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For several months now, many members of the Hollywood elite have expressed their opinions regarding this extremely heated election year, and most of them have slammed the former celebrity real estate mogul.

One of the most recent celebrities to do so is Robert de Niro, who not only said he is concerned the country “might go in the wrong direction” if Trump were to win, but also went on to call him a pig, an idiot, a national disaster, a bullshit artist, a con, a mutt, among many other insults, and even said he would like to punch him in the face.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California and fellow Republican, recently said he “will not vote for the Republican candidate for president” for the first time since he became a citizen in 1983.

Filmmaker Michael Moore recently said jokingly that if Trump is urging Muslims to “report stuff” involving hate within their own community, then the first thing they should report is Trump.

Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who was nominated for an Oscar for her starring role in the 2002 film Frida, urged Americans in a Spanish ad to support Hillary Clinton. “We can't allow them to continue insulting and degrading us,” she says in the ad, sparking outrage within the conservative community.

Unfortunately for Trump, public opinion has taken a turn for the worst after the now famous video leaked in which he can be heard bragging about the fact that he can do whatever he wants to beautiful women, which includes grabbing them by their genitals, because he's rich. Trump, who's since apologized for making such statements, has brushed off the controversy by saying it was just "locker-room talk."

Bruce Springsteen predicts Trump will not win the elections on November 8, but he believes “he's done a lot of damage already.”

Despite most of Hollywood coming out in support of Hillary Clinton, there are still some within the industry who've come out in support of Trump, which include Jon Voight, actor and Angelina Jolie's father, Kid Rock, Stephen Baldwin, Willie Robertson, Mike Tyson, Terrel Dennis Rodman, Lou Ferrigno, among several others. There's even the Friends of Abe group, which acts a support and networking group for politically conservative members of the Hollywood elite.

Finally, there's the ever controversial political commentator Ann Coulter, who recently said on the Hollywood Reporter that “Hollywood should support Trump for all sorts of reasons, not least of which is the fact that it's impossible to get around in LA with two million illegals on the road.”