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Donald Trump's immigration speech in Arizona last week may have gotten mixed reviews, but Trump says it was the "enthusiasm of the crowd" that inspired him.
Speaking to reporters on his private plane in Ohio Monday, Trump said of his tough talk on immigration, "Some people loved it; A lot of people loved it."
The Republican nominee has come under heavy criticism for flip-flopping on the issue of immigration. Some Hispanic leaders who have been advising his campaign also said they feel betrayed after his long-awaited immigration speech that definitively ruled out a pathway to legal status for people living in the country illegally.
Trump said Monday, "We had a very big crowd. It was unbelievably enthusiastic."
The speech was delivered on the heels of his visit to Mexico, where he held a joint press conference with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. The two said they discussed a number of issues on that visit, but not Trump's controversial proposal to have Mexico pay for a border wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.