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Before the first Presidential debate to the 2016 U.S. Presidency, between Republican nominee Donald Trump and his Democrat counterpart Hillary Clinton, a group of Mexicans teased Trump’s supporters and made some hard-earned money along the way.
Cucapá’s Brewery shared a video on Facebook which went viral: "Donald wants us to pay for the wall, we want him to get the beers for us instead."
The begetters of this prank sold heat-sensitive t-shirts to the supporters of the tycoon which originally read: "I support Donald" accompanied by a friendly image of the Republican nominee.
However, both text and design changed as the t-shirts absorbed the heat from the body and showed Trump wearing a clown’s nose and a text which reads in Spanish: “Donald el que lo lea”, making reference to the Mexican saying “Whoever reads this is an as*****!"
As the footage shows, a considerable amount of Americans got the t-shirts and showed themselves both surprised and excited by the fact that a Mexican was actually offering them for sale, without realizing it was all part of the prank.
“Chelas for the band" and “Thanks, Donald” can be read in Spanish towards the end of the video.
Donald Trump and his supporters have often been criticized for their alleged contempt for the Mexican people and for the Republican proposal to build a wall on the Mexican-American border so as to halt illegal immigration.