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At least two clashes were reported between students of Teachers Colleges (known in Mexico as normalistas) and Michoacán State Police officers, resulting in the arrest of 47 students, two injured police officers and the incineration of two buses and two trailers.
The first confrontation was reported Tuesday afternoon, which took place on the Carapan-Zamora highway and where police officers reported that the students ambushed and detained several vehicles.
According to the Ministry of Public Safety, a raid was launched to recover the vehicles that the normalistas robbed through violence, which led to the first confrontation between the two groups.
Later in the day, there were reports of another clash between police officers and students, which resulted in the incineration of another bus, two injured police officers and 47 students being arrested. When the police officers arrived at the scene, the students responded by lighting another vehicle on fire.
The students who were arrested were handed over to the Michoacán State Attorney's General Office.