
Vicente Fox: Trump campaign solicited campaign donations

Donald Trump's campaign team sent former Mexican President Vicente Fox illegal fundraising solicitation email, according to Vicente Fox

Photo: email received by Fox from email@goppresidential.com
26/09/2016 |19:41Newsroom |
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Donald Trump's campaign team sent former Mexican President Vicente Fox a fundraising solicitation email, according to a Tweet by Vicente Fox himself.

Vicente Fox tweeted an article from The Hill that indicated that Trump has solicited illegal donations from foreign leaders and added that he too has been solicited donations.

According to The Hill, Trump's campaign team has sent illegal fundraising solicitations, including to members of foreign governments, weeks after the Trump's campaign was alerted of these accusations.

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Members of parliament from the UK and Australia confirmed to The Hill that they received fundraising solicitation emails just two weeks after an official complaint was filed with the U.S. Federal Election Commission.

With regard to former President Vicente Fox, this isn't the first time he makes this type of accusation. On September 24, he tweeted: “I received an email from Donald Trump asking me for money… I smell defeat.”

He then released a screen capture of an email he received that opens with: “You are our country's only hope.”