
The Hague pays homage to victims of Mexican drug cartels

Mexican artist Pedro Reyes turns pistols and machine guns into harps and marimbas

“Desarme” is a mechanical orchestra made up by six sculptures created from 500 seized weapons - INDER BUGARIN / EL UNIVERSAL
24/09/2016 |18:32Inder Bugarin / Corresponsal |
Inder Bugarin
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The Hague. — The Capital of International Justice pays homage to the victims of the war waged against drug cartels in Mexico in the occasion of the International Day of Peace celebrated on September 21.

Said homage unfolds through “Desarme”, the artwork from Mexican visual artist Pedro Reyes, in which he turns machines of dead, such as pistols and machine guns, into musical instruments of hope and joy like the harp and the marimba.

“Desarme” is brought to life through six computer manipulated sculptures that play various melodies and which are made up from about 500 seized weapons from the drug cartels.

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The piece is shown in the Pulchri Studio in the occasion of the annual Just Peace Festival that takes place in The Hague.

Olof Van Winden is curator of the exhibition and director of TodaysArt, a platform that fosters cultural collaboration among countries; according to him: “The fact that this artwork is being shown here is quite meaningful, as The Hague stands as the capital of peace and justice; here is where international crimes against humanity are judged.”

Van Winden considers that “Desarme” has finally made the violence from drug cartels present in The Hague’s agenda and it can no longer be considered as a distant and isolated issue.