
Avaaz launches campaign against Trump in Mexico

Avaaz's campaign #GringosAVotar urges U.S. citizens living in Mexico to register and vote against Donald Trump.

Photo: @Avaaz
23/09/2016 |12:33Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The international civil organization Avaaz has launched a campaign in Mexico under the hashtag #GringosAVotar to urge U.S. citizens living in Mexico to register and vote in the upcoming critical U.S. presidential elections against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Joseph Huff-Hannon, Avaaz campaign coordinator, said that the U.S. presidential campaign has been focused on Mexicans living in the United States, but little has been said about Americans living in Mexico, who can change the election results.

According to Avaaz, there are over 1 million U.S. citizens living in Mexico.

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This Sunday, September 25, Avaaz has invited all "gringos" living in Mexico who have a U.S. passport to meet at the Angel de la Independencia monument on Paseo de la Roma from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm to spread the word and register U.S. voters on site.

U.S. voters in Mexico can also register directly here: