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The State Investigation Department is investigating the identity of a man who was found lifeless inside the stomach of a dead cow.
According to a report released by the State Attorney General (PGJE), the discovery was reported at around 12:45 pm on Tuesday, September 20, next to the Agua Prieta – Moctezuma highway.
State Investigation Department observed the cow's remains 2.5 miles south of Esqueda, Sonora, at the La Bellota communal land, or ejido. Inside the cow's stomach were the remains of the man, who's approximately 40 years old, with light brown skin, a robust complexion, and wearing jeans and a black shirt.
Next to the cow's body was a sign warning people who steal cattle of their fate.
Coroners recovered the man's remains for identification and to determine the cause of death.
Municipal police officers responded to the incident after being tipped off by a nearby rancher.