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Diputadas celebran a emprendedoras; reconocen a la doctora Araceli Alonso, incluida en las 100 mujeres líderes
Yasmín Esquivel defiende la reforma judicial en Con los de Casa; alejado de la realidad pensar que es una venganza política, afirma
Elección judicial: Aspirantes a cargos comparten carta de motivos y hasta currículum; “Justicia no debe ser inaccesible”, afirman
Niño de 3 años toca “la campana de la victoria” por vencer al cáncer; recibió quimioterapias en el IMSS
Tres de cada 10 estudiantes es víctima de violencia en planteles; exigen reforzar medidas de seguridad
Mexico's new Mexican Anti-corruption System will cost taxpayers 76 million dollars as part of the creation of a Specialized Prosecution unit, a Citizen Involvement committee and the creation of a new government department, among other initiatives.
A national digital platform will also be launched as part of this new reform, all of which will affect the 2017 federal budget, according to estimates by the chamber of deputies' Center of Statistics in Public Finance.
In order to fulfill its new duties resulting from the anti-corruption reform that was recently passed, the Superior Audit Office of Mexico will need 76 million dollars, says the Center of Social and Public Opinion Statistics.