
Mexico men's beach volleyball team defeats Italy

Lombardo Ontiveros and Juan Virgen will face the U.S. team next Tuesday and Tunisia on Thursday, in search of a ticket to the second round.

(Photo: Reuters)
08/08/2016 |13:14Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexicans Lombardo Ontiveros and Juan Virgen won against Daniele Lupo and Paolo Nicolai from Italy in the Beach Volleyball competition at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

The Mexican duo posted a 2-1 (14-21, 21-14, 15-11) win over Lupo and Nicolai, in Group C.

Ontiveros and Virgen will face the U.S. team next Tuesday and Tunisia on Thursday, in search of a ticket to the second round.

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