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Farmacéuticas y Gobierno de Sheinbaum inician diálogo para compra de medicamentos; acuerdan "precios competitivos"
Iglesia Católica exige la construcción de una paz "sólida y duradera"; "basta de tanta violencia”, dice
PAN: Reforma de seguridad debe incluir combate a estructuras financieras del crimen organizado; requiere coordinación institucional, dice
"Última batalla la dará la Suprema Corte", asegura jueza Reyna López; "es la única carta que tiene México”, afirman
Mexican striker Javier “Chicharito” Hernández said he is grateful for the support of his fans, after he suffered an injury in his right hand, that will keep him away from the field for a couple of weeks.
"Hello people! I wanted to make this video to thank you all for your supporting messages, for sending your love and also your good vibe! Surgery went well, I had a domestic accident, I fell down the stairs, as you probably already know. But thank God the surgery went perfect." said the Bayer Leverkusen player on his Twitter account (@ CH14_).
He also said that he hopes to be back on the field in two weeks.