A letter sent to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry by members of the Congress urges the State Department to address serious human rights abuses in Mexico.

The Congressmen and Congresswomen urged the Secretary of State to strength the rule of law and place human rights on the top of the bilateral agenda with Mexico.

“As detailed in a recent Amnesty International report, Mexico's persistent use of torture in criminal investigations is particularly disturbing. We encourage you to raise with Mexican authorities the importance of respecting human rights, completing competent investigations, and bringing to justice those who violate human rights” the letter reads.

Maureen Meyer, director of WOLA's Mexico (Washington Office in Latin America) told EL UNIVERSAL that this is the second letter in a year that members of the Congress has sent on the matter.

"Barack Obama administration should not put aside the crisis of human rights in Mexico just because he wants to have good relations with Enrique Peña Nieto, as demonstrated in the last visit of Mexican President to the House white,” Meyer said.

“A dialogue between nations means talking about difficult issues and not just give pats on the back." she added. 

The letter was signed by Congressman Alan Lowenthal, along with 68 of his House of Representatives colleagues.

The full letter can be found


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