
144 low-intensity exhalations spewed by Popocatépetl

The monitoring system of the volcano also registered two explosions and 572 minutes of harmonic tremor.

(Photo: Cenapred)
09/07/2016 |13:31Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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According to the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), in the last 24 hours the monitoring system of Popocatépetl volcano registered 144 low-intensity exhalations, two explosions and 572 minutes of harmonic tremor.

Since yesterday, the monitoring system of the volcano registered a sequence of 39 volcano-tectonics events, the biggest one has a magnitude of Mc=3.0.
During the night incandescence was observed above the crater.

At the time of this report, emissions of steam and gas are observed heading towards the northwest.

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