
Dissident teachers march in Mexico City

Main Reforma avenue has been closed by the protesters.

The teachers are on the way to El Zócalo, in midtown Mexico City. (Photo: Teresa Moreno)
05/07/2016 |17:18
Redacción El Universal
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Dissident teachers from the National Education Workers Coordination (CNTE) are blocking main Reforma Avenue in Mexico City, on the way to El Zócalo, the main square in midtown, demanding the resignation of Education Minister Aurelio Nuño, among other things.

The group departed at 4:30 p.m. from the monument known as The Angel of the Independence and are moving also over nearby Insurgentes Avenue.

According to official information, there are 1.500 teachers actively participating in the protest.

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The dissidents are led by Section Nine of the CNTE and they are supported by colleagues from the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca.

Besides Nuño's resignation, they are also demanding the continuation of the dialogue with the authorities and an end to all repression against them.